What is Visual Tracking?
- Is the ability to efficiently move one’s eyes from left to right or focusing on objects as they move across the visual field
- Allows children to follow a moving object
- Scan their environment for information
- Direct hand movements
- Accurately shift their eye gaze from one thing to another
- Visual tracking involves these skills:
- Oculomotor control abilities
- Visual fixation
- Saccadic eye movement
- Smooth pursuit eye movements
- Convergence
- Visual spatial attention
- When this is an issue it affects:
- Handwriting
- Sports
- Reading
- Navigating hallways
- Copying words from a whiteboard onto paper
- Letter/number reversals
- And more
Helpful Therapeutic Exercises
- Letter/number mazes
- Line mazes
- Themed visual scanning worksheets
- Picture matching
- Money See Eye Tracker
- Ele-Fun Eye Tracker
- ABC Pathways Mat Package
- Spot It
- RushHour
- ABC Handheld Eye Tracker