The Alert Program: Self-Regulation Made Easy
The program describes self-regulation as an inner drive that moves us throughout the day that is sometimes frenzied, sometimes mellow, or attentive and focused. The course uses a sensorimotor and neurobiological frame of reference to help clients and families learn how to self-regulate.
The program helps children, adolescents, and adults:
- Stay centered throughout the day
- Concentrate and remain focused
- Pay attention, be content, and cooperative
Through book and video instruction, the program teaches children 5 ways to change their state of alertness by:
- Putting something in their mouth
- Moving around into different positions
- Touching different textures or fabrics
- Looking at the environment and different calming objects
- Listening to calming sounds or music
One of the analogies the ALERT program uses with children is, “If your body is like a car engine, sometimes it runs on high (hyped up), sometimes it runs on low (lethargic), and sometimes it runs just right (alert and focused).”
Strategies this program offers:
- Sensory strategies/diets
- Hand fidget tools
- Flexible seating options
- Mouth whistles
- Teaches kids, teens, and adults to self-regulate properly
- And more
How Does Your Engine Run Book
- This is a leader’s guide on how to implement the Alert Program and explains step-by-step instructions and easy-to-implement activities to help children self-regulate.
- If needed, the book describes how to easily adapt the program to children who are non-verbal.
- It was written to teach children how to identify and change their alertness level, using the analogy of an engine.
For more information :
Video Example: