Comprehensive Medically Based Occupational Therapy Evaluation
Description: An assessment using applicable standardized tests, clinical observation and school and parent collaboration and rating scales. This also includes discussion and observations of a variety of skill areas, identified by therapist, parent and/or any other referring clinician or professional (i.e., pediatrician, speech pathologist, teacher). Every evaluation is child and need specific. A thorough and extensive report, treatment plan, including measurable goals and objectives will then be provided. This write-up can be expected within 2 weeks of the initial evaluation testing(s) session.
Pricing for an evaluation is equal to the cost of six treatment sessions.
Areas that can be addressed within an evaluation:
- Gross Motor Skills
- Coordination and Balance Skills
- Body Awareness Abilities
- Motor Planning Skills
- Fine Motor Dexterity and Strength
- Graphomotor Skills (Handwriting)
- Oral Motor Skills
- Activity of Daily Living Skills
- Sensory Processing and Integration Skills
OT Treatment and Intervention:
Intervention: Therapeutic services are provided by a licensed Occupational Therapist, following assessment and formulation of measurable medically based goals and objectives.
Treatment sessions (duration/frequency) will be decided, following the occupational therapy assessment. Recommendations will be provided to the client’s parents/guardians.Session duration ranges from 45 minutes to one hour depending on the patient’s needs and tolerance level.
Areas that can be addressed within intervention:
- Motor Skill Development
- Handwriting and School Support
- Visual Perceptual Strengthening and Support
- Sensory Integration Therapy
- Coordination and Balance Skills
- Upper Body and Core Strengthening
- Activity of Daily Living Skills (dressing, feeding, grooming, hygiene, etc.)
- Therapeutic Listening
- Oral Motor Treatment
- Aquatic Therapy

Policies and Procedures:
Payment: Due at the time of service/due at each session. A credit card form is provided and is an accepted method of payment for your convenience. You may contact Kathryn Tavella at Enhanced Business Solutions with your billing information and any inquiries at (203) 623-2654.
Treatment sessions are broken up into 15 minute billing units. Billing statements are provided for each session via email and can be submitted to your insurance provider in the event you choose to pursue personal reimbursement.
There is a 24-hour cancellation policy. Please call and/or email if you must cancel your child’s session. In the event of a “no show” you will be charged for the missed session. In the case of an emergency or when provided with prior notice of cancellation of a session, no fee will be incurred.