Blink: The World’s Fastest Card Game!
Ages: 7 years and older
Players: 2
How long: 2 minutes or less per game
Made By: Mattel Games
How to Play
- The game consists 60 cards with large and easy to match symbols.
- You will divide the deck into two even piles, place one card from each pile face down and then each draw 3 cards, then begin matching.
- The two players race one another to match the shape, count, or color on their cards to either of the two discard piles.
- The player with all of the cards from the draw pile wins the game.
- Ex: a card with four yellow stars could be played on any card with yellow (color), or on a card with stars (shape), or on a card with four symbols (count).
What does this game work on?
- Quick reflexes
- Friendly competition
- Socialization Skills
- Matching
- Shape, color, and number recognition
- Visual-processing skills
- In hand manipulation skills (shift, finger-to-palm translation, etc)
- And more!
Where to Buy
- Amazon
- Walmart