S’Match! Memory Game With A Spin!
Ages: 4 years and older
Players: 2 or more
Game Made By: ThinkFun
Game Includes:
- 30 Picture Cards
- 1 S’Match! Spinner
Object of the Game: Make the most matches!
How to Play:
- Mix up all 30 S’Match! cards and spread them out face down between the players
- Place the S’Match! spinner where all players can reach it
- The youngest player goes first and then the play moves to the left
- Each turn begins by pushing the S’Match spinner
- The spinner’s arrow will point to one of three areas:
- Color: green, purple, red, orange, or blue
- Number: 1 or 2
- Category: Musical instruments, animals, or vehicles
- The player turns over two S’Match! cards and tries to make a match based on the type of match indicated by the spinner. For example:
- If the spinner’s arrow points to ‘color,’ try to match two cards of the same color regardless of the number or category of the images on the card
- If the spinner’s arrow points to ‘number,’ try to match two cards based on the number of images on each card regardless of the category or color of the images
- If the spinner’s arrow points to ‘category,’ try to match two cards based on the category of the images on each card (instruments, animals, vehicles) regardless of the color or number of images on the card
- If the two cards are a match based on the attribute indicated by the spinner (color, number, or category), the player keeps the cards and spins again
- If the two cards are not a match, the player shows the cards to the other players and then turns them face down again
- Continue playing until only two cards remain. The players must figure out whether the two cards can make a match or if no match is possible.
- If no match is possible, the game ends. However, if a match is possible based on color, number, or category, players continue spinning until a match is made
- When there are no cards remaining, all players count their matched cards. The player with the most cards wins!
Functionally this game works on:
- Memory
- Concentration
- Visual discrimination
- Reading/word recognition
- Sorting and categorizing
- Fine motor skills
- Matching
- Counting
- Following directions
- Turn taking skills
- Sportsmanship
- And more!
For more information:
*S’Match is not currently in production, however it can be purchased at Toy Sense and eBay
Toy Sense: https://www.toysense.ca/buy/pie079116/smatch
eBay: https://www.ebay.com/itm/394083048743?chn=ps&mkevt=1&mkcid=28