Developmental Sequence for Household Management Tasks
As your child grows, their curiosity in household tasks will also grow. They will see their mom or dad washing dishes, folding clothes, or vacuuming and think it would be fun to assist them. Below is the developmental sequence your child will grow through in terms of household management skills.
13 months:
- Your child will imitate housework as their mom or dad completes it
2 years:
- Your child will pick up and put toys away with parental reminders
- They will begin copying parents’ domestic activities
3 years:
- Carries things without dropping them
- Dusts with assistance
- Dries dishes with assistance
- Gardens with assistance
- Puts toys away with reminders
- Wipes up spills
4 years:
- Fixes dry cereal and snacks
- Helps with sorting laundry
5 years:
- Puts toys away neatly
- Can make a sandwich
- Takes out trash
- Makes bed
- Puts dirty clothes in hamper
- Answers telephone correctly
6 years:
- Completes simple errands and household chores without redoing
- Cleans sink and wash dishes with help
- Crosses street safely
7-9 years:
- Begins to cook simple meals
- Puts clean clothes away and hangs up clothes
- Manages small amounts of money
- Can use telephone correctly
Listed below are are a few helpful products to help your child engage in household tasks:
Guidecraft Classic Kitchen Helper Stool
- This is a lightweight adjustable stool for children 2+ years
- Front and back keeper, non slip mats, and folds for storage purposes
- Grows in height with your child and can hold up to 125 pounds
- This is a great product for your child to stand at the sink or counter with their parents to help with meal preparation or the dishes
- This 2 piece set that adjusts to most standard sinks
- Provides independence for children at sinks
- Can be used in the kitchen and in bathrooms
KidSwitch- Light Switch Extender
- Works on any standard light
- Comes with six extenders in one package
- Glows in the dark and is easy to use
- Ages 3 and up
- Helps the child become independent