Ages: 4+ years old
Players: 1 – 2
Game Made By: Mattel Games
Game Includes: 1 green and 1 red whacker and a game board
Object of the Game: If your assigned color (red or green) lights up, bop it. If it does not, do not bop it or you’ll lose points. The player with the most points (colors bopped) will win!
How to Play:
Each player is assigned a color, either red or green. The mole will light up either red or green. When the mole lights up the player assigned the specific color will whack it! Watch out for the middle mole because it is wild and can light up red or green at any time. Each time you whack your color mole you receive a point. The player with the most points at the end of the game wins.
Functionally, this game works on:
-Attention skills
-Hand-eye coordination
-Turn taking
-Socialization skills
-Grasp skills
-Gradation of force recognition
-Color recognition
-And more!
-You can play this game prone on the floor, using a peanut ball, or seated at a table to assist in reaching therapeutic goals.
Where to Purchase:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Arcade-Mallets-Lights-Sounds-Players/dp/B08QCV364W/ref=sr_1_39?dchild=1&keywords=what+a+mole+game&qid=1625520021&s=toys-and-games&sr=1-39
Target: https://www.target.com/p/whac-a-mole-kids-39-arcade-game/-/A-80612790#lnk=sametab
Walmart: https://www.walmart.com/ip/Whac-A-Mole-Kids-Arcade-Game-with-Mallets-Lights-Sounds-For-4-Year-Olds-Up/606471292
Walmart: https://www.walmart.com/ip/Whac-A-Mole-Kids-Arcade-Game-with-Mallets-Lights-Sounds-For-4-Year-Olds-Up/606471292