Importance of Oral Motor Strength and Control
- Eating is a survival skill and crucial occupation that we learn in gestation.
- Having strong oral muscles and being able to control movements of the mouth while eating is an important skill development for a child.
- If a child has weak oral muscles they may drool, not be able to keep food in their mouth and their tongue may protrude forward pushing against their teeth, making it difficult to eat.
Benefits of Oral Motor Activities:
- Increase strength of oral muscles
- Increased ability to chew different textured foods
- Improved general oral awareness
- Proper resting mouth posture (closed mouth with lips sealed together)
- Management of saliva/oral secretion
- Improved food management
- Increased stamina and controlled breathing during feeding activities
Fun Oral Motor Treatment Activities:
Straw Caterpillar Race
Play Dough Obstacle Course Race
Easter Bunny Straw Races
Straw Soccer Game
Z-vibes comes with different attachments and are used for oral defensiveness, texture aversions, and stimulates the oral muscles of the mouth. These are used before a feeding activity begins.